At the right you may notice two minor changes. The first one, "acacia's biggest fans" is to let me know who's out there lurking. You'll notice that Braj and I are her two very biggest fans, but you can join us. This is a great way to link to your own blog if you have one and want to be linked up with mine. If you're a weirdo-creep, I can block you though. Just so you know.
The other update is the blog roll; it will now be in order based when each blog was updated. If you have a blog that you'd like added, or you know of a good one you think I'd like... just leave a comment!
Gable... it's time. Carpe Diem. Start a blog.
I am back to the blogging world!
but you see, i am not interesting like you. so nobody would read la blog de gable. maybe in a few years when we have a little one we want to brag about, then i'll start. until then, lurker4life.
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