Monday, July 14, 2008

here's to you, mom...

Just thinking about my mom today and how awesome she is. Thought I'd share it with all of you out there in blogland. Mom, I love you so much!

She recently led a team from church to Costa Rica; they worked their tails off for a few days and then played and relaxed the last day or two. This is her on the jungle zip line.

She stopped through Miami on the way back to Dallas to see her little sweetie... Acacia, that is.

And I just HAD to throw one more in. Hard to imagine this was almost 8 years ago! Or is it harder to imagine me wearing a tiara?


Anonymous said...

Well hello, guess who this is...okay you'll never guess, it's Renee Girard. This is a great blog, now I get to find out how you guys are doing...I mean really.
If you want to know why I am on your blog, well I'll tell ya. Joel needed to find your guys' number and so I checked on the church website then I remembered you guys had a blog and I looked there but I saw that it wasn't updated. Then I decided to type Shannon Mills into Google, just for fun and I found you! Yeah! But no phone number:( Joel wants to know where he can get a nice but cheap hiking Wednesday. Well see you guys Sunday, miss you!

juneheller said...

Acacia looks just like your Mom, and you should try to wear a tiara everyday. It totally suits you.

Gable said...

there's just no one like her. you should post that picture of her darting through the Turkey Trot...


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