Monday, March 22, 2010

Not Me! Monday... and some pictures

"Not Me! Monday... being brutally honest and living to tell about it" is a blog carnival from the brain of MckMama, where any blogger-mom who wants is encouraged to "take our not-so-proud moments and spin them around".  The idea is to encourage each other when we fall short of our ideals and get a good laugh, too. As my contribution to Not Me! Monday, I thought I'd share a few pictures of my kids enjoying their McDonald's Happy Meals.  I know the fries don't break down like they should, and who knows what's in the chicken nuggets... but it was walking distance from the Puppy Palace and we were all very hungry.  It was a good day.

I would never dress my son in his big sister's pink chickadee leggings for bedtime.  Nope, I'm on top of the laundry.  No need for that.

These next pics will not surprise you, and I can't include them in the Not Me! carnival, because I think this is what kids SHOULD be doing.  I dug a hole in the planting bed and let the kids fill it with water (Acacia's idea) and enjoy the mud.  The only thing cuter than little feet is muddy little feet.

 This is just a cute picture of Jack playing with a play chop saw and tool bench at the thrift store.  He LOVED it.  Proof that you are never too young power tools.

And here is Miss Acacia entertaining herself very well with a connect four game.  A brilliant idea I got from the Preschool Daze blog.

1 comment:

kristin said...

: ) glad to have found you.


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